
Pinnacle Falls

Winter photo capturing the beauty of the frigid northwoods.


Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve Photo Contest

Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve is having a photo contest! The winning photo will be the cover of the next Yellow Dog Howl, our bi-annual newsletter which is distributed to our membership.


Evening of Entertainment & the Annual Meeting

  Save the Date! Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve will be holding our annual meeting at the Ore Dock Brewing Company in Marquette on November 13, 2013. The annual general meeting will take place at 7 – 7:30 pm with events to follow into the evening. With a raffle including seriously awesome donated Patagonia goods, a…


Marquette County Road Commission Planning to Build Potential New Sections of Road to Service the Eagle Mine

  The Marquette County Road Commission held a public hearing last night regarding the road work that is proposed to service Eagle Mine on the Yellow Dog Plains. Work plans for the road were made public in late September which revealed plans to build new sections of road instead of upgrade County Road 510 and…


Non-Native Invasive Species Removal in the McCormick Wilderness Area

In July 2013, Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve staff began guiding volunteers and field crews from partner organizations in to the McCormick Wilderness Area, a part of the Ottawa National Forest. This area is a 17,000 acre tract of rugged, rocky and hard-to-reach federal wilderness which straddles the Lake Superior and Lake Michigan watersheds. The YDWP…


Citizens Petitioning Marquette County Road Commission to Minimize Tree Removal on CR510 and Triple A

  Area residents in Big Bay and Marquette are petitioning the Marquette County Road Commission to minimize the removal of trees along the right-of-way to County Road 510 and County Road AAA for the creation of a Class A Highway to the Lundin Eagle Mine in Northern Marquette County. Lundin Mining Company is


Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund and Town Hall Meetings

The Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund was created to ensure Michiganders would always have the ability to preserve, protect and enjoy our forests, beaches, lakes and streams. The NRTF was established exclusively for acquisition and development of public land, and funding was derived from royalties on the sale and lease of state-owned mineral rights. When…


Critical Notes about Northern Marquette County Road Changes – Citizen Attendance Highly Encouraged

While the upgrades to CR550 are underway,  an entirely new section of road is being constructed from the mine gate to the Champion Twp-Michigamme Twp line (roughly where 595 would have ended). While the first changes to Triple A develop, the existing Triple A road will remain open and then the old section will be…


Wilderness Yoga Retreat

Join us this summer to relax and rejuvenate both body and spirit in the peace of the forest and waters of the Yellow Dog River and its tributaries. The Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve will sponsor its first week-end wilderness yoga retreat August 24th- 25th 2013.


DEQ Approves Omission of Fabric Filter Dust Collector in New Air Quality Permit and Other Mining Updates

Last Friday, June 28, 2013, the DEQ announced their decision to approve a new Air Quality Permit for modifications to Eagle Mine. The modifications include: constructing the single Main Ventilation Air Raise (MVAR) without a bag house fabric filter dust collector, moving the ore-crusher from the mine to the mill in Humboldt, and adding an…