Preserving Shorelines and Protecting Water Quality

In recent years, the Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve has received several calls from landowners requesting help for erosion problems, sometimes very serious issues. As with most things, prevention is usually the easiest and least expensive fix. The following slide presentation is a quick overview of the Yellow Dog River, some problems, what YDWP is doing to help, and what landowners can do to help too.

Through a grant from Freshwater Future, YDWP has presented at four different township board meetings and planning commission meetings in order to inform members of the problems along the river and to ask for their collaboration in solving or preventing more problems in the future. We will continue these conversations into the winter when the commissions convene to revise policies. Also through this grant, we have been able to reach out to landowners in the Yellow Dog watershed to provide information on the importance of creating or maintaining buffer strips and the advantages of using native plants. The native plants are included at the end of the slide presentation.

Thanks for your help! And thanks to Freshwater Future.