2020 Contest-Winning Essay: Teague Whalen, “My Measuring Rock”
Photo by Teague Whalen On still days, Brown, Diane, and Ward Mountain reflect in Ward Lake as I walk the trail around the shore, where each morning I take the season’s pulse. The spring teams with returning life. A flock of Canadian geese rests on their migration north. A pair of trumpeter swans float in…
2020 Yellow Dog Annual Meeting Silent Auction
Once again the Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve is hosting a silent auction at this years 25th Annual Meeting! We are featuring a variety of unique handcrafted pieces made by local artisans. All pieces are custom made and materials were harvested and or collected from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. If you cannot join us for…
A Day in the Yellow Dog Watershed: 25th Annual Meeting and Lost Creek Tree Planting, October 17, 2020
The Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve will be hosting two events on Saturday October 17th. First, in conjunction with the Brook Trout Subcommittee (A subcommittee of Partners for Watershed Restoration) YDWP and BTS members will spearhead the planting of 500 seedlings along the shores of Lost Creek, a major feeder stream to the Yellow Dog River. …
On the River
Because of Covid19 shutdowns and restrictions, YDWP has postponed our planned education and outreach events for the summer and fall; however, we have been out on the river and in the Community Forest. Earlier this summer, YDWP received a grant from the Community Foundation of Marquette County to work on much needed trail relocation, foot…
New Invasive in the Watershed
For many years, crews have been battling invasive plant species within the Yellow Dog Watershed including its headwaters in the McCormick Wilderness Area. Mostly, the fight has been with European swamp thistle, which spreads its tiny seeds on the wind, water, and feet. Recently, however, we discovered a new foe along the river: garlic mustard….
Community Effort at Gateway to the McCormick
YDWP purchased the 40-acre Gateway to the McCormick property in 2011. This protected space ensures access to and parking for the Wilderness Area, preserves source water, and provides additional wildlife habitat. In summer 2019, YDWP received a grant from the Community Foundation of Marquette County to improve access to the north entrance of the Wilderness…
The Healing and Rejuvenating Power of Nature and the Spring 2020 Essay Contest
“I’m gonna run away to that tree!” This is my four-year-old grandson’s threat whenever things aren’t quite going his way. He reminds me of myself at that age. I would run away to the apple orchard and hide. As I got older, I went farther, to the little woods and creek at the back of…
Back Country Ski or Snowshoe February 29th
Join us for the last day of February ski or snowshoe in the hills of the Yellow Dog Watershed to our wilderness camp where lunch and hot drinks will be waiting. Then follow the river along high bluffs and scenic overlooks. The snow has been great this winter! Sign up soon.
Silent Auction 2019
In case you can’t make the annual meeting on November 6th in person but would still like to participate in the silent auction, here are a few of the adventure packages up for grabs this year. To make a bid before November 6th, simply email Be sure to include a phone number and during…
Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve’s 24th Annual Meeting
The Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve is happy to host its 24th Annual Meeting on Wednesday, November 6, 2019 6-9pm at the Ore Dock Brewing Company on Spring Street in downtown Marquette. An open meeting of the membership begins at 6:00 p.m. with a potluck dinner following. Dan Rydholm will share memories, photos and stories of…