
Benefit Concert for Land Preservation

As part of our core strategy to protect the watershed, we sometime acquire land to keep open to the public and free from harm. We have an opportunity to purchase 40 acres in the watershed that are quite worth it. The parcel is located by the north entrance of the McCormick Wilderness Area and has…


Backcountry Ski Fundraiser

Get your wax on and sign up for our backcountry ski fundraiser. We had an excellent time last year and this year will be no different. The date is set for February 12 and we will lead you on a fantastic ski along the ridge of the Yellow Dog River valley. When we return from…


Update of the Woodland Road

Kennecott Eagle Minerals announced Tuesday that their ambitions to build a 22 mile section of road from Eagle Project to Humboldt Mill will be abandoned. Kennecott met with federal officials including the Environmental Protection Agency to discuss the road’s potential impact to wetlands, waterways, and wildlife habitat. When the idea of this road was first…


Winter Bird Survey

The Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve will be hosting a winter bird survey on February 5th in Big Bay. We are looking for interested participants to come and find out who is still brave enough to stay the winter in the watershed. Start time is 9:30am and we will be at the YDWP office to go…


Mining Permit Amendment Request

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment received a request from Kennecott Eagle Minerals Company to amend their mining permit to reflect changes in their plan to supply power to their facilities. As stated in the original permit, the company planned to use diesel generations to power the operation. Since then, KEMC changed course,…


New Listings for Volunteer Opportunities

Non-profits are known for loving their volunteers and YDWP is no different. We greatly appreciate all of the hard work and numerous hours our community puts in to keep our work at the forefront. If you are interested in joining the pool of wonderful volunteers that we work with, then here is an update of…


Road Development Discussed at Meeting

The development of a new public road will be on the agenda during the next Marquette County Road Commission meeting. The meeting is scheduled for October 7, 2010 at 6:30pm and will be held at the Ispheming Township Hall (1575 US 41). This proposed road will a likely alternative to the Woodland Road and be…


Life’s A Beach So Clean it Up

As we continue our mission to protect the waters of our area, we participate in the International Beach Clean Up every September. So this year we will be cleaning the public beach in Big Bay on September 25 at 10am. We always have a ton of fun and remove hundreds of pounds of garbage that…


Environmental Film Festival Returns

For the 2nd year in a row, the Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve will be hosting the Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival along with Downwind Sports and Students for Sustainable Living. The event is scheduled for November 4, 2010 at 6pm in room 103 of Jamrich Hall on the campus of Northern Michigan University. Last…


River Monitoring Day

In early celebration of World Wide Water Monitoring Day, the Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve is hosting a training session for individuals who want to learn more about river ecosystems and assist in our water monitoring program.  We will provide information, tools, refreshments, and a free river monitoring T-shirt on September  11, 2010 to those who…