
Blog > New Listings for Volunteer Opportunities

New Listings for Volunteer Opportunities

Non-profits are known for loving their volunteers and YDWP is no different. We greatly appreciate all of the hard work and numerous hours our community puts in to keep our work at the forefront. If you are interested in joining the pool of wonderful volunteers that we work with, then here is an update of what we are looking for.

Graphic Design
Often times, we are in need of someone with graphic design skills. It may not seem like an environmental group would really need it, but we use it everyday. Whether it is helping design our newsletter, to making posters for events, to improving our logo and signage, we could definitely use someone who wants to put their skills into action.

Office Assistant
While just as important as the rest of our work, some office tasks can be easily passed on to volunteers. Examples include entering information into our databases, assembling mailings, and filing paperwork. It all adds up to a protected environmental.

Media Relations
There are many things that could help our group get a better handle on media relations. If you are savvy with the media and want to volunteer, think about pitching in. Just to mention a few things: reviewing/filing media articles, sending out press releases, follow up communications with media.

Field Assistant
If you are more of the type to want to get out in the dirt, this is your niche. We always are looking for individuals who can survey the watershed, observe activities, lead hikes, and more. Must love variable weather, cold, and bugs!

If any of these sound fun and exciting, we would love to hear from you. The best way to get rolling is to email us at From there, we can plug you in and enjoy being a part of the solution.