Sponsorship Opportunity: Remove Community Forest acreage from commercial forest designation
Many who love the Yellow Dog River have visited our Community Forest, with its rambling trails through mature woods and alongside iconic waterfalls. After the initial purchase in 2016, we were able to reserve nearly 200 acres as a wilderness zone. For most of the rest, we were obliged by the state to develop a…
State of Michigan Approval of Grant for Copperwood Mine Reveals Rifts in the Environmental Movement and the Need for Dialogue
By Brian Noell, Communications Director, YDWP On Tuesday, March 26, the Michigan Strategic Fund board voted unanimously to approve a $50 million grant to Canadian-owned Highland Copper to aid in development of a sulfide mine adjacent to Lake Superior and Porcupine Mountain State Park. Although the result was not unexpected, it and the subsequent public…
Before You Build: A Guide for Landowners
YDWP has created a new resource for landowners along the Yellow Dog (or any) River, containing information for protecting against land loss and preserving habitat, as well as recommendations on setbacks and buffer zones for those seeking to build near the river.
2023 Fly-fishing Workshop on the Yellow Dog
Here are some views from last year’s workshop:
Concert in Celebration of the Earth
The work of the Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve is being honored at this set of concerts in celebration of the Earth, presented by the Marquette Choral Society in partnership with the Cedar Tree Institute. Come join us if you can!
Dedication on World Water Day 2023
Mahayana Buddhism compares positive action to a drop of water. For whatever immediate purpose one performs the action, when dedicated to the benefit of all living beings, it flows into a great ocean of merit that can never be exhausted. If such a dedication is not made, the effect will evaporate once the action is…