
Ruling on jurisdiction not in favor of petitioners

The National Wildlife Federation, Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Huron Mountain Club, and Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve have pointed out that the DNR’s land lease decision violated the common law public trust doctrine. The plaintiffs asked that Judge Paula Manderfield should consider that re-opening a previous decion. In March, Manderfield dismissed the opponents’ appeal of the DNR’s lease decision. In…


WMAN grant approved

Western Mining Action Network and Indigenous Environmental Network approved a $3000 grant from YDWP to assist in funding our water chemistry program. This money will go directly to the analysis of water samples in the Yellow Dog and Salmon-Trout River watersheds for low level micro-analysis. “We want to have the best baseline information regarding current…


YDWP receives $1000 grant

Freshwater Future is pleased to announce that our group will be receiving a grant in the amount of $1000 to put toward our strategic planning. “This project is imperative to the success of any watershed group in times like these. We have never had as many threats, meanwhile dealing with economic hardships. This money will…


Annual Beach Clean Up

Join YDWP staff, volunteers, and Board to the annual Alliance for the Great Lakes Beach Clean Up. This year we will be cleaning up Squaw Beach in Big Bay on September 19, 2009 at 11am. Participants interested should call our office and let us know you are coming at 906-345-9223. Past years have been very…


Final Leg of Walk, Paddle, and Roll

Part 3 of the Great Lakes Walk, Paddle, and Roll will commence on August 29nd with a bike ride of 20 miles. Join your favorite Yellow Dog friends and Save the Wild UP for a mountain bike ride through the Yellow Dog Watershed with a tour leader. Come just for the fun of it or…


Protect the Earth/Rydholm Memorial

Join fellow earth lovers for the 2nd annual Protect the Earth event. This year’s event begins August 1st at noon on the campus of Northern Michigan University in the Whitman Building. The first day will hold speakers such as Eric Hansen, Laura Furtman, and Al Gedicks along with dancing, music, and film. Protect the Earth…


YDWP Annual Meeting this weekend!

14th annual meeting and Celebrate the Yellow Dog to be held on June 20th, 2009 at Mike and Mary’s on the River off CR 550. Set up your tent, play games and take hikes to the river. 5:00pm Potluck Dinner 6:00pm Kids Open Mic 7:00pm Live music by Troy Graham, Gratiot Lake Road from Houghton,…


Humboldt Decision Passes Deadline

The Humboldt Mill proposed decision has passed the dates set by the DEQ and below is DEQ Jim Sygo’s response to Michelle Halley’s query as to what is happening. “There was a need for additional information as a result of the staff’s review and that has now been requested. Until that information is provided, a…


MDNR case re-opened

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 20, 2009 Contact: Michelle Halley – NWF – 906-361-0520 Judge re-opens challenge to mining company lease MDNR lease of state land to Kennecott to be reconsidered  (LANSING, MI) –  A Lansing judge will now examine the validity of a surface land lease granted by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to…



The Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve is an environmental organization comprised of grassroots individuals who take environmental ethics to heart. We focus on informing the public about the watershed, conducting sound science, and protecting the resources from threats like sulfide mining. There are many pressures on the rivers and forests and we strive to balance the…