Program Administrator: Rochelle Dale has been a YDWP volunteer and board member on and off since the beginning of our existence. She has since then joined our team of staff members, assisting us with programs and grants. Some activities include working closely with our Program Coordinator, Christy Budnick with coordinating the MiCorps Volunteer Stream Monitoring Program (VSMP) and the MiCorps Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program on Lake Independence (CLMP). She takes on many more things which include: strategic planning, applying for grants, and media and outreach. Contact Rochelle at or at the office 906-345-9223.
Special Projects Manager: Emily works on additional long-term special projects for the preserve. She was ED from 2008 to 2013 has done so much for the YDWP over the years. She has worked to protect the river by winning grants for all kinds of projects which fall under programs such as: education, outreach, water quality, and land conservation. We appreciate all of her hard work and she looks forward to helping YDWP in any way she can. Contact Emily at or by calling the office.
Preserve Coordinator: Wendy Johnson has been a huge part of the Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve’s activities since 1998. She is in and out of the office, keeping track of the members and managing the books. She also helps with our newsletter and fundraising activities. Since the birth of her two children, she chose to work at YDWP from home. She really enjoys working for the Preserve, “They [the staff] are a great bunch of honest, down-to-earth folks. We have a lot on our plate with the sulfide mining issue and any help from folks like you is greatly appreciated and needed! Please check out the rest of our website for volunteering or donating opportunities.” You can reach Wendy through YDWP’s e-mail at or if you need immediate assistance, please call (906) 361-5179.
Program Coordinator: Christy Budnick’s dedication has helped make many activities possible at the YDWP including: the McCormick Wilderness Wetland Restoration and invasive species removal, the road-stream crossing inventory, the MiCorps Volunteer Stream Monitoring Program for the Salmon Trout and Yellow Dog rivers (VSMP), the MiCorps Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program on Lake Independence (CLMP), grant writing, and educational workshops for kids. When she is not out in the field or working in the office she also gardens, cooks, gives massages, and makes amazing jewelry. You can reach Christy by email at or at the office 906-345-9223.
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