Blog > MDEQ reaction to court ruling
MDEQ reaction to court ruling

Mich. regulator wants more info on proposed mine
LANSING, Mich. — Michigan’s chief environmental regulator wants more information about a rocky outcrop in Marquette County that could affect plans for a nickel and copper mine.
Steven Chester, director of the Department of Environmental Quality, on Friday asked Administrative Law Judge Richard Patterson to reconsider his recommendation about the outcrop, known as Eagle Rock.
Patterson last August said Chester should grant Kennecott Eagle Minerals Co. permits to build the mine — but only if steps are taken to protect Eagle Rock, which Indian tribes use for spiritual ceremonies.
Kennecott Eagle plans to run the mine’s entrace tunnel beneath the 60-foot-high rock.
Chester asked Patterson to look further into whether Eagle Rock is legally a place of worship. After getting the judge’s opinion, Chester will decide on the permits.
Below is the actual Order of Remand from Chester