Land Protection
The Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve is a land trust whose purpose is to acquire, hold, and preserve parcels of real property through land trust deeds for the benefit of the general public. We actively pursue the conservation of forestland, natural landscapes, wildlife habitat, scenic resources, water, wetlands, and land structures of archaeological and historical significance in the Yellow Dog Watershed and/or other adjacent land. Currently, YDWP owns and monitors 2300 acres of land within the watershed, including the 688 acre Community Forest, and the land surrounding Pinnacle Falls. These parcels remain open to the public for non-motorized recreation including access to some of the most iconic waterfalls on the Yellow Dog River. The protection of specific parcels in the watershed also helps preserve aquatic habitats and riparian areas for a wide variety of animal and plant life. Along with land acquisition through purchase or gifts, we also engage in other methods of land protection such as holding conservation easements and working with local zoning boards.
The YDWP Volunteer Land Stewardship Program was developed in 2018 to help keep an eye on the properties in our care. Volunteers and staff walk the parcels every spring and fall to note any changes or problems as well as identify plants and wildlife who live there. To volunteer for this program, please go to our volunteer page.