Wild and Scenic Yellow Dog River
Story Map
2018 marked the 50-year anniversary of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, signed into law in 1968 by President Lyndon Johnson. Four miles of the Yellow Dog River, from the headwaters at Bulldog Lake to the border of the McCormick Wilderness Area, have been on this prestigious list since 1991. As part of a national effort to raise awareness of and to increase enthusiasm for Wild and Scenic Rivers, YDWP received a grant from River Network and Patagonia to create an online story map detailing the Wild and Scenic portion of our river. Story maps are innovative multimedia tools that provide the background and means to tell a comprehensive story with text, photos, videos, and of course, maps. Staff and volunteers made at least four trips to the Wilderness Area to gather data and take photographs and film. Another set of volunteers edited the videos and created the maps. Wild and Scenic designation is an effective tool in protecting the integrity of our rivers, and the YDWP is researching the feasibility of designating more of the Yellow Dog as Wild and Scenic as well as determining public support for such a campaign.