Blog > 2015 Fall Volunteer Stream Monitoring Program
2015 Fall Volunteer Stream Monitoring Program

Every Spring and Fall we sample 18 sites along the Yellow Dog River, Salmon Trout River and their tributaries to record data on the bugs that are calling these waterways home. Some bugs can only survive in really clean water, while others can live in anything. We are very fortunate here in the UP to have a large diversity of all of our bugs. Our Fall Volunteer Stream Monitoring Program (VSMP) begins on September 29th and will run until all 18 sites are finished. Want to learn more? Visit our event page- 2015 Fall VSMP!
We have been sampling for over 10 years on the Yellow Dog and 3 years on the Salmon Trout. If water quality starts changing we have these records to prove it. All of our techniques have been learned through MiCorps. “The mission of MiCorps is to network and expand volunteer water quality monitoring organizations statewide for the purpose of collecting, sharing and using reliable data; educate and inform the public about water quality issues; and foster water resources stewardship to facilitate the preservation and protection of Michigan’s water resources.” Visit their website MiCorps for more information.
Over the years we have been blessed with the amount of hard working individuals returning each season to dedicate their time to make this program possible! Thank you to all the volunteers who have showed us support and excitement to ensure the completion of all sites! You are all amazing and we could not do everything we do without each and every one of you!!!