Blog > YDWP 2021 Photo Contest
YDWP 2021 Photo Contest

Many of us navigated the months of social distancing and stay at home orders by getting outside and reconnecting with nature. Sometimes, or I should say often, I forget my camera, but on those rare occasions when I don’t, I am looking for that unusual flower, an eagle perched on its prey, or my grandchildren being especially engaged. If you have some great captures, consider submitting some of your favorites to the YDWP 2021 photo contest.
Grandson Arjuna in an Estivant Pine. Photo by Rochelle Dale
Here’s what you need to know:
-People in Nature
One entry per category per person maximum. Anyone except YDWP staff, board members, and their immediate families may submit.
JPG file, medium quality, if possible, to facilitate download.
How to submit:
Send photo(s) as attachments to ydwp@yellowdogwatershed.org. Please also include your name and basic contact information, so we can be in touch with you.
March 1, 2021
Winning photos will be published in the next issue of The Howl as well as on our website. Winners will also receive a YDWP membership for him/herself or a gift membership for a friend or family member.
Good Luck! Can’t wait to see all the photos!