Blog > Woodland Road permit withdrawn
Woodland Road permit withdrawn

The permit application for the Woodland Road project was withdrawn from review according to a letter sent to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment on May 7. The letter was sent from the Woodland Road, LLC which was planning to build a road connecting the Yellow Dog Plains to M-28 near Humboldt Township. The Woodland Road, LLC is comprised of Kennecott Minerals, John Jilbert Properties, A. Lindberg and Sons, and the Michigan Forest Products Council.
The group submitted the application earlier this year but was met with challenging opinions from local citizens, federal agencies, state biologists, and environmental groups like the Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve. During public hearings regarding this permit application, many individuals spoke out about the potential negative consequences of building a 22 mile haul road through a remote and wild section forest land. Issues ranged from the impacts on wetlands to habitat destruction/fragmentation and more. The majority of the concerns from federal agencies included a lack of analysis regarding alternative routes and wetland mitigation. To address the concerns, the group withdrew their permit right as the 90 day decision period was closing.
As a group that has reviewed the application, submitted comments, and attended the public hearings, YDWP commends the U.S. EPA for taking a closer look and not simply rubber stamping this project. If such oversight was used during the permit review for the mining plan, we might be in an entirely different situation.
Below is the document that was sent to the MDNRE from Woodland Road, LLC.