Blog > Salmon-Trout Volunteer Stream Monitoring Program Starting Soon!
Salmon-Trout Volunteer Stream Monitoring Program Starting Soon!

Come and join the Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve for the 2nd season of the Salmon-Trout River Volunteer Monitoring Program. This spring we will offer a Volunteer Training Day in order to provide those interested with the tools and knowledge for participation. On Saturday May 18th, we will start with a presentation at 10:00 a.m. in the Powell Township School Gymnasium in Big Bay, MI. You will learn the process of habitat evaluation, information about stream ecology, and how to properly identify the macro-invertebrates that live in our local waterways! The presentation will be followed by a bag lunch along the stream provided by The Yellow Dog Watershed for those who R.S.V.P. in advance. After lunch we will spend the afternoon in stream with hands-on bug collecting and identification. Once individuals are trained, they will be offered the opportunity to go out and collect stream quality information at our established sites during the month of May.
No previous experience is necessary and interested people of all ages are encouraged to attend. If you would like to participate in collecting at the river please bring waders or knee high rubber boots. Bring drinking water, an extra set of warm clothes, and rain gear if you have it.
If you are interested contact Christy@yellowdogwatershed.org for more information or call YDWP’s office at 906-345-9223.