Blog > Public Meeting on Woodland Rd
Public Meeting on Woodland Rd

Kennecott plans to build a road from the potential Eagle Mine on the Yellow Dog Plains to a potential processing facility in Humboldt Township. This road, known as the Woodland Road, would bisect a large swath of land that is yet undeveloped. The Marquette County Road Commision will be holding a meeting on September 28 at 6pm to discuss the plan. See official notice below. Please attend the hearing if possible.
The Board of County Road Commissioners of Marquette County, Michigan will hold a public hearing on September 28, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. EST. The hearing will be held at the Ishpeming Township Hall .
The purpose of the public hearing is to discuss the Woodland Road Transportation Plan.
Minutes for the above meeting will be filed and available for public use at the Road Commission Office during normal operating hours.