Blog > October 16, 2021 Planting Trees for Restoration and YDWP’s 26th Annual Meeting
October 16, 2021 Planting Trees for Restoration and YDWP’s 26th Annual Meeting

The Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve will again be hosting two back to back events this fall. On Saturday, October 16th in conjunction with the Fred Waara chapter of Trout Unlimited, Partners for Watershed Restoration, and the Brook Trout Subcommittee, we will head back to Lost Creek, a major feeder stream of the Yellow Dog River, to plant 1000 cedar and white pine plugs, and 250 -1.5 to 3 feet cedars, hemlocks and white pines. These plantings are an effort to stabilize the sandy banks of Lost Creek, which will then reduce sedimentation into the stream and the Yellow Dog River and will enhance brook trout habitat at the same time. The trees are locally grown and have been purchased through a Cleveland-Cliffs Foundation grant thanks to John Highlen and Fred Waara TU. Tree planting will begin at 10:00 am and may go until 2:00 -3:00. Volunteers are needed! Participants should meet at the Yellow Dog Bridge on Co. Rd. 510, bring lunch or snacks, water, shovel if you have one, and appropriate foot gear. Knee high rubber boots or hip boots would be sufficient. Our goal is to do everything we can to make the Yellow Dog River a great place for brook trout to live and reproduce. So join us on the 16th. Contact rochelle@yellowdogwatershed.org to volunteer or call 906-362-8521.
Immediately following tree planting at 3:00pm, YDWP will host its 26th annual meeting at the High Rock Lodge off of Co. Rd. 510. Come learn about our recent projects and meet the board and staff while enjoying the fantastic view from the mountain top. The driveway to High Rock Lodge is about 1.5.to 2 miles north of the Yellow Dog Bridge on 510. Attendees should follow the signs and park where indicated. From the parking area, one should be prepared to hike up the hill to the top (about ¼ mile, but steep). Anyone needing assistance will be offered a ride in one of the available 4wheel drive trucks. A short meeting will be followed by a potluck (bring your own plates and utensils), outdoor social time, and informal music (weather permitting). Members, their guests, and interested public are all welcome.
All photos are by Jeff Koch from Partners for Watershed Restoration taken at last year’s tree planting event. Yes, we did get some snow, but it was still a great day!