Blog > Newest Protected Lands Announced
Newest Protected Lands Announced

It is with great excitement and honor to announce the unveiling of YDWP’s newest protected lands. As of April 11, 1,000 acres on the Yellow Dog Plains will forever be known as the Mudjekewis Wildlife Refuge. The land was the legacy of C. Fred Rydholm and it was donated to our organization for the purpose of preserving wild spaces, building community awareness of the importance of nature in our lives, and keeping a bit of history alive.
To celebrate, YDWP will be hosting the inaugural hike to the Wildlife Refuge on May 26th. Participants will get to tour the grounds, hear some good “Fred” stories, and enjoy the legacy that is now here for public benefit. Space is limited to email emily@yellowdogwatershed.org to secure your spot! Visit our webpage for more information, pictures, and maps.