Blog > McCormick Backcountry Fundraiser
McCormick Backcountry Fundraiser

Join the YDWP and fellow community members for a scenic backcountry ski into The McCormick Wilderness along with a gourmet hot lunch and drink. The trip will meet at Peter White Public Library on Saturday, March 6th at 10 am and carpool to the south entrance of The McCormick Wilderness. Plan for an easy to medium difficulty ski, about 5 miles roundtrip, with a stop at a heated winter camp where lunch will be provided. There is a suggested donation of $15.00 per person. Come to support the YDWP and enjoy peak winter scenery on a ski across the awesome landscape of McCormick Wilderness.
We ski across frozen lakes, off trail through the winter forests, and enjoy an area during a time when not many visit the wilderness.
Persons interested in participating should contact the YDWP office as space is limited. You may contact them via email at ydwp@yellowdogwatershed.org or by phone at (906)-345-9223.