Blog > Humboldt Mill Permit Hearing
Humboldt Mill Permit Hearing

The MDEQ gave preliminary approval to Kennecott for the reopening of a crushing facility in Humboldt township in Marquette County. Four separate permits were given draft approval and the MDEQ is now seeking comments from the public and stakeholders. A public hearing is scheduled for December 1, 2009 from 4pm to 10pm in Ishpeming, MI at Westwood High School, located at 300 Westwood Dr. Comments are sought on the 1) Air Use permit, 2) NPDES for discharge of treated water into the Escanaba River watershed, 3) Non-ferrous metallic mining permit to operate and reclaim the facility, and 4) deposition of tailings into a pit.
Each person will have five minutes to address the MDEQ with their concerns.
Below are links to the permit applications:
Air Use Permit: http://www.michigan.gov/documents/deq/5of4_295852_7.pdf
NPDES Permit: http://www.michigan.gov/documents/deq/doc40f4_295708_7.pdf
Comments can also be submitted via email to DEQ-Kennecott-Humboldt-Mill-comments@michigan.gov or by mail to:
DEQ Kennecott Comments
Office of Geological Survey
P.O. Box 30256
Lansing, MI 48909-7756