Blog > Drew Nelson Headlines Annual Meeting
Drew Nelson Headlines Annual Meeting

This year our annual meeting will be quite different from past years. On August 28, 2010, we will be joining up with Drew Nelson, a singer/songwriter from Michigan who is touring internationally and nationally, for an evening of fantastic music and fun. Our 15th annual meeting is co-sponsored by the Peter White Public Library and features a songwriting workshop for teens and adults at 3-5pm in the Community Room of the Peter White Library. Drew will assist participants in creating their own lyrical vision and offer encouragement. At 6pm, the Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve staff and Board of Directors will meet to have their annual review of successes and outline of future work. YDWP members are encouraged to come and participate. There will be refreshments and a vote for new members of the Board. At 7:30pm, both Mike Waite and Drew Nelson will play for us for the rest of the evening and talk about how the people, community, and groups like ours can come together to solve larger problems. Donations are accepted at the door and the event is open to all. If you have questions, please call 906-345-9223 or email ydwp@yellowdogwatershed.org.