Blog > Chauncey Moran wins Binational Environmental Stewardship Award
Chauncey Moran wins Binational Environmental Stewardship Award

The Annual Environmental Stewardship Awards were presented to American and Canadian environmental activists by the Lake Superior Binational Forum in Superior, Wisconsin this past July. We are extremely proud and not-so-surprised that one of the Yellow Dog’s most dedicated educators, our very own “River Walker,” Chauncey Moran, has won an individual Environmental Stewardship Award.
The Lake Superior Binational Forum is composed of twelve Canadian and twelve American stake holders which share the mission to protect the entire ecosystem of Lake Superior including air, land, water, human life and wildlife. Only six Americans were given awards this year under the categories of Youth, Individual Adult, Business, Tribe, or Organization. The awards were chosen by a panel of judges from both the United States and Canada and are intended to honor individuals who “have accomplished significant and successful actions that minimize the negative impacts or restore the natural environment in the Lake Superior basin.” (www.lakesuperiorforum.org).
Chauncey has regularly visited numerous sites along the Yellow Dog River, collecting and compiling scientific data, taking photographs and water samples since 1995. His intention to preserve the watershed is clearly shown by meticulous compilation of baseline data to develop benchmarks that could signal dangerous trends in the future. Upon receiving this award Chauncey said humbly, “WE are most gracious in your honoring all of us as it is the team that illuminates the value of one’s potential to inspire those that continue.” Chauncey is the Yellow Dog “Riverkeeper,” which is a position established by the Waterkeeper Alliance. He is among 181 other “Waterkeepers” around the world which share a mission to patrol the local waterways, enforce environmental laws and protect communities from threats to the environment.
Chauncey will be publicly presented his award in Marquette sometime this September. Please express your gratitude for Chauncey’s incredible efforts and send your congratulations to criverwalkerr@aol.com.