Blog > Annual Meeting Planned at YDWP’s Latest Land Acquisition
Annual Meeting Planned at YDWP’s Latest Land Acquisition

The Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve would like to invite all of our members and non-members to join us for a celebration of 17 years of community service and freshwater protection that the group has offered. The 17th Annual Meeting is a chance for people to meet the Board of Directors, staff members, and other supporters. This year we are excited to hold the event at our newest land acquisition near the McCormick Wilderness Area. YDWP purchased 40 acres last fall in order to protect the fragile ecosystems of the watershed and ensure access is preserved to the McCormick Wilderness Area. Below is a schedule of events:
17th Annual Meeting of the Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve
August 4, 2012
2:30pm: Board Meeting with Board elections-This year, there are three seats up for vote; chairman and 2 directors. Email us if you are interested in running for a seat on our Board of Directors at ydwp@yellowdogwatershed.org.
4:00pm: Hike into the McCormick Wilderness Area- We will lead a hike to the west branch of the Yellow Dog River and see amazing waterfalls. Wear good hiking shoes/boots and bring water.
6:00pm: Potluck and Social- Bring a dish to pass and enjoy the campfire and surrounding forest. Bring your instruments for an impromptu jam session!
Directions to the Annual Meeting: Starting in Marquette, turn left onto County Road 550. Continue for 28 miles until you see the intersection of County Road 510. Turn left onto County Road 510. Continue for about 3.5 miles. Turn right onto County Road AAA. Continue for about 14.5 miles. The road will then intersect with the Ford Road. Stay straight and the road will begin to veer right. Follow the signs to YDWP’s Annual Meeting.
Additionally, YDWP will be polling our members and supporters to name the 40 acres we purchased last fall. If you would like to vote on the name, click this link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HR3HKLR. The name that receives the most votes by August 1st will be the winning name. The winning name will be revealed at our Annual Meeting as we install a sign recognizing all of the supporters who helped with the purchase.
If you have questions, please contact us at 906-345-9223 or email us at ydwp@yellowdogwatershed.org.